Please don't Label Me! - February 17, 2009

Posted by Deanna Stovall on 12:04 AM

I'm the type of person that when it comes to identity fits under several categories: I'm Gay, I'm black, and I'm a woman.....Simple right? Not exactly. These labels mean that I'm most likely only going to be seen for what I'm label as by the members of my community and culture. This is one of my main fears when it comes to growing up in a business that labels make who you are. For Example, if an African-American man's film does really well in the theaters, the headlines would most likely read "Black Filmmaker does well in Box Office." The same thing goes for the homosexuals of the film world. I bet you can't name five mainstream gay/lesbian actors that are still making "straight" money or getting the same sort of attention. It's barbaric! Why do I have to be a lesbian director, or a black director? I don't see "White straight Director wins Oscar," why would you do it to me??? I just want to a director like everyone else, but I don't see that anytime soon.


Comment by Genesis on February 26, 2009 at 12:23 PM

lol...totally see where ur coming from, but i think it to be true for our generation as a whole to not want to focus on race or sexual preference because we've as a generation i like to think i chosen the ladder. One day the world will be able to witness talent for what it is and not the artist' personal beliefs outside of theyre craft...over n out...oh yah plus as a black artist of sort its hard to not be thrown into a stereotype of what the predocessors (spl?) of our craft have done before us, and that goes for all races actually...but yah...over n out..

Comment by miss amanda on February 27, 2009 at 9:35 PM

Okay, so this is going to be my little bit on your bloggggg. Personally, I love that you brough this topic up. I remember you bringing it up in class and I was legitly upset about this. I feel that you make a super valid point, and I think it's OUT OF CONTROL, that the media has the power to do this. I mean, we are all people right? Whether it's race, sexual preferences, WHATEVER! My point is they make a big deal out of something that shouldn't be. I mean if the work is good, then why bother going that extra mile to point something out? But that's the beauty of the lovely media, right? What I think you should do, is keep doing YOU! Work your ass off, do everything that a DIRECTOR regardless of sex,skin color, hair, eyes, whatever they will pull out of their ass, and WORK YOUR ASS OFF! Because I really truly believe you have the dedication and one say YOU will be accepting that award for "BEST DIRECTOR" nothing more, nothing less. Do you thing, and just prove that it's what comes from the heart, the complete inside, and nothing physical. BEST OF LUCK!!!

Comment by Kristin Ravel on February 28, 2009 at 1:29 PM

Hey Deanna,
You're blog seems to have developed a lot of interest with your classmates, and I appreciate how honest you are in your replies (I also really like your layout!). You are doing a great job learning about different aspects of yourself through writing, and I hope you continue this throughout the semester.
Nice Work,

Comment by Without Regrets on March 1, 2009 at 3:46 PM

Deanna love,
OK hun so love how passionate your blog was! I could actually picture you saying those things. I will tell you this..If you know what YOU want then what others say wont matter! Truth is the movie biz is a hard industry to be part of race/gender/sex aside. I totally understand how with those things added in the mix there are more judgements and more obstacles. However, That also adds more purpose and more heart to your cause. If everyone in the world told you how perfect you are and how you were going to be a director with out any hardship would you really want to do it. Its the conflict and hardships that build or characters and make us individuals. It is never the labels and actual problems that make us but its how we respond. To go through all of the crap and then make out on the top will give so much more credibily to your talents and inspire others who are in simialr situations. I think that if its what you want then screw the labels because its YOUR life and you have the choice on how YOU want to live it! Good luck ma!!!!

Comment by readyfortheworld88 on March 6, 2009 at 9:21 PM

i totally can see where you're frustration is coming from cause for many years the media has been known for affiliating a person's ethnicity & social status with their professional life and that has no relations as to how successful you become professionally. but yet again, there's a good side to all of this categorizing, cause i feel as though that's the media's way of saying "it doesn't matter what you're orientation or ethnicity is ,you won't be discriminated against". so it's like when you hear about more and more minorities becoming successful with the dreams that you wanna pursue, it gives you hope, pride, and motivation to not limit yourself from a certain goal. that's how i view "labeling" during these recent times

Comment by Keshia on March 11, 2009 at 11:49 PM

Hi Deanna, I read your blog and I can understand where you're coming, not only because I'm a black woman, but because it upsets me at the same time when I see head lines in newspapers and everywhere else and when the subject has to do with an African American person...the word BLACK is always present in the headlines. You try not to get mad because it's just a title but at the same time you don't see too many other race titles being thrown around and you always wonder why? To say that we'll get pass this is having a very optimistic mind, but don't let labels stop you from doing what you want to do. Cuz when you have your mind set on something you really want to accomplish and when you make it, those labels will empower you more....

Comment by Marty on April 15, 2009 at 11:46 PM
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